Q: | What is a domain name? |
A: | Practically speaking, your domain name (web address) is your Internet identity, your online brand name. Your customers will remember this name and use it to find your Web Site, your products or your services. And since no two parties can ever hold the same domain name (Web address) simultaneously, your Internet identity is totally unique.
For example, mycompany.com.hk OR mycompany.com |
Q: | What is the difference between .com and .hk domain? |
A: | .com: It is domain name that an individual or organisation can apply.
.hk (.com.hk / .org.hk / .edu.hk): It is Hong Kong domain and only HK organisation can apply. To apply for such a domain name, the organisation should have a valid document to prove its identify. For example, a valid Hong Kong Business Registration (HKBR) is needed for applying .com.hk domain, a valid Certificate of Registration for applying .org.hk domain and a valid Certificate of Regionation of a School for applying .edu.hk domain. |
Q: | Which type of domain name can I apply? |
A: | You can apply the below types of domain name:
.com / .net / .org: an individual or an organisation can apply.
.com.hk: HK business organisations with a valid HKBR can apply.
.org.hk: registered organisations like charity or non-profit making bodies can apply.
.edu.hk: educational organisations typically school or college can apply.
.net.hk: internet service providers (ISP) typically broadband company or telecommunication company can apply. Have a certificate from OFTA.
Q: | What is the requirement / document needed for domain application of ".com.cn / .cn"? |
A: | (a). Your should have a company registered in Hong Kong
(b). a copy of valid Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate (i.e. HKBR copy, in .pdf / .jpg format) and it is NOT a branch certificate
(c). a copy of Hong Kong Identity Card (i.e. HKID, both sides in one .pdf / .jpg format) of a contact person / representive from your company |
Q: | What is Web hosting? |
A: | In order to establish your online identity with a Web site. You'll need two DNS servers, so your customers can find you on the Internet. You may have these special computers in your oganisation, or you may need to arravge for name service with an Internet Service Provider or Web Hosting company.
Because we know that you want to focus on running your business, site hosting is arranged by us and is free of charge when you sign up for a DIY 5-page or DIY 10-page Web Site service plan. |
Q: | Do I get e-mail with my Web Site? |
A: | Yes. Just call us for more information.
Q: | Can I add email boxes later? |
A: |
Yes. It's easy to add additional e-mail boxes later. Just call us for more information.
Q: | What is a Web Site "design"? |
A: | Web site designs are professional - quality templates that include complex features such as intricate page layouts (basic headers and wallpapers), custom interactive buttons (hyperlink navigation), unique font and colour schemes and the use of dynamic rollover buttons. |
Q: | What do I need in order to build a web site with your DIY website system? |
A: | All you need is a Web browser such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. There's no coding or programming necessary. Just point and click your mouse to make your selections. |
Q: | Will I be able to see my site when change the content? |
A: | Yes, Web sites from domain.com.hk lets you preview. Each time you change your content you can preview your site to make sure you like what you see. And, you can change your content after you have published it. |
Q: | How long willl it take me to build my site? |
A: | It's up to you. You can quickly create a Web Site in minutes, then update it later when you have time. Some of our customers take a few hours to selet and input their content and graphics. Best of all, this can be done at your own convenience and updated at your leisure. |
Q: | What is Chinese .com domain name? |
A: | The Chinese .com domain name is a kind of domain name combined with a set of Chinese character. For example, .com |
Q: | How to use Chinese .com domain name? |
A: | After you have registered one Chinese .com domain name, you may apply our website forward / redirect service and make auto forward to an existing website. For example, when people find www. .com, it will be auto redirected to www.domain.com.hk. People can see the content of www.domain.com.hk |
Q: | What is restriction of using Chinese domain name? |
A: | Only I.E.7 or I.E.6 with plugin can visit Chinese domain name website. |
Q: |
How can I do if I want to terminate and get back the domain password / code to transfer out to other provider ? |
A: |
Download the termination and domain password request form here